電子書不利記憶研究:電子書不利記憶〔中央社〕美國最新研究顯示,民眾使用電子書閱讀器,反而較不容易吸收所閱讀的內容,因為這些資訊以清晰易讀的簡潔格式呈現,反而鼓勵大腦「偷懶」,較難記住資訊內容。研究發現,以較難閱讀字體印刷的資訊,閱讀者反而比較容易記住。這項研究由普林斯頓大學(Princeton 烤肉食材University)贊助,發表於「認知」(Cognition)期刊上。英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)指出,這和字體的易讀性可讓閱讀者更容易學習和記住的傳統認知,截然不同。英國「每日電訊報」(Daily Telegraph)報導,研究人員將有關3種虛構外星人的整套知識,以不同字體呈現,然後要求28位年齡在18到40歲之間的受測者熟記酒店工作。結果顯示,閱讀以易讀字體Arial呈現版本的受測者所記住的內容,反而比閱讀較不易懂字體Comic SansMS和Bodoni MT版的受測者,少了14%。研究人員在報告中指出,「提高資料學習難度,可增進長程學習和記憶力,較多的認知參與活動會引導邁向更深層的過程」,讓讀者能更正確記住資訊。 (自由時報)推薦這個由上萬名志願者酒店兼職貢獻,蒐羅各大文豪才女的經典作品網站,古騰堡計劃:http://www.gutenberg.org所有的書都是完整的通用電子檔。可以放在手機、pda、電腦上觀看。也有數百本中文古典書籍,足夠讓我們重溫求學時期的國文課了。Why using e-book makes your memory dull Readers using e-books are less likely to absorb what they 辦公室出租have read because of the simple presentation.For instance, Amazon's Kindle and the Sony Reader display text in such a clear, legible format that this fosters a 'lazy' brain.The findings go against the conventional wisdom that legibility makes it easier for people to learn and 永慶房屋remember information, according to the Daily Mail, citing a study in the journal Cognition.A study by Princeton University in the US found that a significant number of those tested could recall more information when it was presented in unusual typefaces. The research suggests that introducing 房屋買賣'disfluency,' by making information superficially harder to understand, deepens the process of learning and encourages better retention.Psychologists said information which has to be actively generated rather than 'passively acquired' from simple text is remembered longer and 代償more accurately.The study raises questions over how much fonts like Times New Roman and Arial, which are used in the majority of academic books, help readers revise for tests.American author and psychologist Jonah Lehrer had written about the idea of disfluency in his blog before 面膜the research was published.Lehrer revealed he found it less easy to remember information he had read using his Kindle e-reader. Although Kindle users can alter the size of text, they cannot change the Caecilia font, which he described as relaxing to read.It has been argued that e-readers and 酒店工作computers hinder us from absorbing information because their screens and fonts tell our subconscious that they words they convey are not important.Lehrer said the study showed the whole history of typography had missed the point when it comes to learning.Source: Health News India, Fitness 21世紀房屋仲介News, Health News Headlines

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